Charles Town Cave

Charles Town Cave
Location Charles Town, West Virginia, USA
Length 175 feet
Discovery 1906
Geology Elbrook Limestone
Number of entrances 1
Difficulty Easy
Access Private property

Charles Town Cave — also formerly known as Crystal Lake Cave and Lakeland Cave — is located in the center of Charles Town, West Virginia, USA. [1] The entrance is in the cellar of a bakery and leads down to a passage about 175 feet long to a large pool of clear water about 25 feet in diameter.

The cave was discovered accidentally in 1906 and was for a time developed as a commercial show cave.



  1. ^ Davies, William E. (1958), Caverns of West Virginia, 2nd edition, Volume XIX(A) of the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey, Beckley, West Virginia: Biggs-Johnson-Withrow, pp 148.

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